A female business owner smiling at her computer and having fun while marketing her business

10 Ways to Make Marketing More Fun

December 05, 20248 min read

How to Make Marketing Fun: A Guide for Female Entrepreneurs

Ugh, marketing. It's such a chore, isn't it? You want people to find your business but your are SO tired of putting yourself out there and hearing crickets. You're tired of throwing money at your business and getting zeroooo results. You are tried of wasting your time on marketing that doesn't work.

I get it.

Here's the good news. Marketing doesn't have to be a necessary evil you just put up with to pay the bills. This is YOUR business. You can market it in a way that is fun for you. Here are 10 tips to make marketing fun again. (Or maybe to make marketing fun for the very first time.)

10 Simple Tips to Make Marketing Your Business Fun

Adiós marketing dread and overwhelm. Let's revamp your marketing strategy into something you actually enjoy! Here's how:

1. Focus on Helping

No one likes a sleazy sales pitch...so, don't do it!

Shift your mindset from selling to helping. Instead of focusing on what you want people to buy, tell them how your product or service can genuinely improve their lives. This approach not only makes marketing your business more enjoyable for you but also builds trust with your potential customers.

When you are genuinely helping someone, you don't feel sleazy or salesy. You feel like you are contributing to the great good---because you are!

2. Collaborate with Others

Collaboration is a fantastic way to inject fresh ideas, and other humans, into your marketing world. Focus on building relationships. Go to a networking event, partner with other businesses or influencers, invite people into your world.

A group of marketers having fun together

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

This will help you introduce your brand to new audiences and it will make marketing your business feel a whole lot more fun.

So, be brave. Try new things! You could:

  • Join summits

  • Be a podcast guest

  • Guest blog

  • Host or co-host events

You'll get to help other people learn about your business, get in front of your target audience, and maybe even find your business bestie. (Yes, that really is a thing. And yes, you need one.)

3. Set Strategic Goals

One of the main reasons why small business owners feel lost in their marketing is because they have no ideas where they are headed.

You built a website, came up with some content ideas and expected potential clients to just come. But...they didn't.

Sure, you were busy playing the marketing game but for some reason your version didn't come with instructions. Most days, you kind of feel like you're losing.

Here's the good (and bad) news---there is no one road to success. There are about a million.

The only hard and fast rule is to be consistent. Experiment until you find what works for you and your business and then keep doing it. Keep working with and tweaking what you've got (and asking for feedback) until your business is performing the way you want it to.

That means you have to know what you want to achieve with your business. Set specific, measurable, achievable goals.

How many new customers do you want to reach? What are your revenue goals? What will you do to continue helping existing customers in the process? Then, take specific steps to met those goals.

Break down your objectives into smaller, achievable milestones. You should know what you need to do each day, week and month to reach that goal.

Most importantly, celebrate each win, no matter how small, and use it as motivation to keep going. (Yes, I did just give you permission to take a chocolate break, or drink your preferred beverage to celebrate sending that email. You earned it friend!)

4. Make it a Game

No one said professionals can't play. Turn marketing tasks into games by setting challenges for yourself. For instance, see how quickly you can write a good blog post. How many Facebook messages can you answer in an hour? How many people can you talk to at the networking event?

You could even get a few friends in on the fun and make it a little competition. Gamifying your marketing efforts can boost creativity and productivity but it also just makes the boring, mundane or even uncomfortable things more fun.

Side note: Be sure to choose goals that you can control. For example, instead of, I will get 500 email subscribers this month make your goal to participate in 5 lead generating activities this month. You can't control how many people decide to join your list but you can control what you do to get yourself out there.

5. Be Yourself—Infuse Your Personality

Your business is YOU. Let your unique personality shine.

Infuse your marketing materials with a personal touch. Add your voice and quirks. Whether it’s a funny email newsletter, sharing an embarassing story, or a casual, behind-the-scenes video, being authentic makes your brand relatable and memorable.

It's also the best way to attract customers who resonate with you and what you've got to offer. You can make great content even better by letting your personality shine through.

6. Limit Your Gurus

The world is bursting at the seams with self-proclaimed marketing gurus, each offering their own magical paths to success. It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of advice from webinars, workshops, podcasts, and books, leaving you feeling even more lost, overwhelmed and confused.

Filter out the noise by figuring out whose advice truly resonates with you and aligns with your values RIGHT NOW. Not every expert is a fit for your business or your unique style.

Simplify your strategy by choosing one or two trusted voices to guide you at a time. This way, you can avoid information overload and actually have fun experimenting with the techniques that suit you and your brand best. Tune into what/who really speaks to you right now and let the rest go (for now).

It doesn't have to be goodbye forever. You can choose new gurus as your company and services grow.

A smiling woman working with text that says 10 ways to make marketing more fun

7. Charge What You’re Worth!

Pouring hours into your business isn't so fun when you're broke.

If you are giving everything you do away, like 100% totally free, you're gonna burn yourself out in an instant.

Your time is a marketing investment. Your helpful information has value. Don't be afraid to charge for it!!

Set prices that reflect the value you provide. Your true ideal customers will be happy to pay for it.

Ironically, confidently charging what you’re worth enhances the perceived value of your offer. If you charge more, people assume you are worth more!

So up those prices without fear friend. When people say no to your services, remind yourself that they aren't your people and move on. Your ideal client (who CAN pay you) is out there. Keep networking and creating until you find them.

8. Tell Stories

Who doesn't love a good story?

If we are being honest with ourselves, engaging stories are what draw us into social media posts, blog posts, and any other kind of content. We make big purchasing decisions often based on the stories we hear about products and services. (Yeah, I am looking at you reviews!)

Stories are a powerful tool in marketing, so tell them! Share success stories, tell about your own entrepreneurial journey, or even the inspiration behind your brand. Storytelling creates an emotional connection (which PS is what actually leads people to click buy).

9. Do What You Enjoy

Focus on marketing activities you genuinely enjoy. If writing isn’t your forte, don't do it. Try out YouTube, make short video content or record podcasts.

Love Facebook? Cool, build a community there.

Hate social media? Skip it!

This is your business. You get to build it and grow it by doing what you enjoy.

Remember, there is no hard and fast rule book. Building a business takes consistency and work. You are a lot more likely to stick with it if you are doing things you enjoy.

10. Build the Business You Want

I'm going to guess that your business began for one of two reasons:

  1. You saw a problem that you desperately wanted to help people solve.

  2. You needed a creative outlet.

Yet, somewhere along the way, our businesses suck us in and we forget that we have the power to mold our businesses the way we want.

Align your marketing efforts with your vision and goals. If something doesn't fit, don't be afraid to let it go. When you’re passionate about your business it becomes a joyful extension of you, instead of a burden.

How will you breathe new life into your business this week by making marketing more fun? Will you ditch social media? Find new ways to grow your customer base? Message your favorite business buddy to set up a time to hang out and share stories?

The world, and this business, are your canvas friend. Go create your masterpiece.

The Easiest Way to Make Marketing Fun

If these ideas aren't enough to infuse the joy and fun back into your marketing, I've got an even faster solution for you. What if you stopped marketing your business and just focused on your customers instead?

At Vanessa Ruiz Writing, I love helping female business owners get more clients with less work through effective copywriting and automated sales funnels. Together, we can build the business you've always wanted to create. Keep the benefits of being a business owner and ditch the overwhelm by scheduling a discovery call today. Let's make your business fun again!

Vanessa, a former Spanish teacher turned freelance writer, transformed years of blogging struggles into a thriving business. Without a website or mailing list, she built success through real connections and smart strategies. Now, she empowers business owners to build SEO optimized sales funnels so they can avoid burnout and build a business that works for them.

Vanessa Ruiz Writing

Vanessa, a former Spanish teacher turned freelance writer, transformed years of blogging struggles into a thriving business. Without a website or mailing list, she built success through real connections and smart strategies. Now, she empowers business owners to build SEO optimized sales funnels so they can avoid burnout and build a business that works for them.

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